Thursday, April 23, 2009
Storybooking: what is this?
Storybooking: You might be reading about it in the newspapers, finding it on the internet, hearing about it on the radio, seeing it talked about on tv, probably heard me talking about it or found it in one of my emails, but what is it and is it something you should know about?
Storybooking is the process of creating your own hardbound or softbound book. Storybooks created through storybooking contain pictures and words. They can contain stories of those who lived before your life, of those who lived during your life, or of something you wish to be in the future, or desire to inspire your children to be. Storybooking is scrapbooking for the digital age but with more options and capabilities.
"Storybooking is the unique process of combining photographs with personalized story text into one or more professionally hardbound storybooks for ages one to 101. What scrapbooking was to the last century, storybooking is to this new century." - Heritage Makers, LLC
Should I Storybook?
Do you have stories you wish you could tell your children? Or grandchildren? Would you like to publish your own children’s book? When your father died did you wish your son could understand how great of a man his grandfather really was? Wouldn’t it be great to read your son’s birth story to him at night before he goes to sleep? Do you want to show your friend the great love the children she teaches have for her?
Would you like to improve your child self esteem presenting with a book about the things he can do, or about how much you love him/her? Does your mom know that you are so grateful for all that she does and has done for you? What do you get your wife to show her how appreciative you are of her? How do you show your husband that the last 50 years have been incredible? Do you have a ton of unprinted digital photographs that may never be seen? There are many experiences you can storybook about. Your memories are so precious, it would be a pity if they were forgotten. You can really love somebody when you know their story.
How Do I Begin Storybooking?
• Think about stories associated with your pictures
• Choose the story/memory you wish to preserve
• If the story is about somebody else, ask questions.
• If you don't know what questions to ask, I can help!
• Find all pictures associated with chosen story
• Scan the pictures wanted if they are not on your computer yet.
• Begin writing story
• Rewrite story as many times as needed
• Follow instructions to have book published
Who Should I use for my Storybooking needs?
•Heritage Makers is currently the best storybooking/publishing company to use for your needs. You can get the help of a Heritage Makers Consultant to publish your works. We walk you through the steps of preparing your book.We help you from the beginning stages to publishing. It is your book so keep it personalized but use the Heritage Makers Consultants as resources as you become an author.
What Resources Are Needed To Storybook?
•A story
•Pictures/Drawings/copies of meaningful documents
•*Digital Camera
•*Photo editing software
•A Heritage Makers Consultant
•Access to the internet
* (Optional tools)
Storybooking Ideas
There are so many different things you can make storybooks about. Stories, experiences, etc. What can you storybook about or for? What recent events have happened in your life?
• Engagement
• Wedding
• Child's Birth Story
• Vacation
• Graduation
• Military Service
• A very special "letter" to your future generations
• Your family's genealogy
• Accomplishments
• Stories Told by Grandma
• Overcoming an Illness
• Valentines Day
• Christmas
• Birthday
• Cookbook
• Anniversary
• Life Story of Loved One
• Friendship
• Mothers Day
• Fathers Day
• Family traditions
• Silly things your kids say
• Educational book with your kids as the "hero" (ABC, colors, numbers...
• Adoption Story
• Sport
The ideas are really endless!
What are you Storybooking about?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Make your mom cry for Mother's day!!
Ok, I am not trying to tell you to hurt your mom, but if you are like me, you just don't want to give a gift just because you have to, but because it comes from your heart, and you desire to reach your mother's heart.
I really desired to give a gift that touches the heart, that is why I am giving my mom a Storybook about her visit here in the States.
I hope I will be able to steal a tear from her eyes.
You see, my mom is not the kind of person that will show you her emotions, and it is really difficult to get a thank you or any kind of appreciation from her.
I had been asking her to come visit me in the States for more than 5 years, and her excuse was always her fear of the long airplane flight...
Well, last year I sent her a mother's day card in which I expressed her again our desire to have visit us here, and the miracle happened: she was finally going to come to America!!!
She came for Christmas, and I want her to know how much we appreciated her coming here, so I put this book together for her.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Genealogy- my passion
I have a very special love for genealogy. I believe that we owe who we are to our predecessors and by knowing them we will be able to know ourselves more. Creating a family tree poster was just one of the projects I had planned and that finally I was able to create. And now it is even a template in the Heritage Makers website Template Gallery! Check it out!