Friday, April 17, 2009

Make your mom cry for Mother's day!!

Ok, I am not trying to tell you to hurt your mom, but if you are like me, you just don't want to give a gift just because you have to, but because it comes from your heart, and you desire to reach your mother's heart.
I really desired to give a gift that touches the heart, that is why I am giving my mom a Storybook about her visit here in the States.
I hope I will be able to steal a tear from her eyes.
You see, my mom is not the kind of person that will show you her emotions, and it is really difficult to get a thank you or any kind of appreciation from her.
I had been asking her to come visit me in the States for more than 5 years, and her excuse was always her fear of the long airplane flight...
Well, last year I sent her a mother's day card in which I expressed her again our desire to have visit us here, and the miracle happened: she was finally going to come to America!!!

She came for Christmas, and I want her to know how much we appreciated her coming here, so I put this book together for her.

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