Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Young author contest

What are your kids doing this summer? When the pool is not an option and outside is burning temperature, are your kids in front of the TV? Or with a PlayStation in their hands?
How about something that will engage their brain, increase their creativity, improve their self esteem and even better, give them the chance to win something?

Get a free basic account at http://Preservemyheritage.com and then have them have fun working at a project to submit to the

Young author contest!
Encourage your kids to capture a slice of their life and times.

Want to know more about your family’s budding author? If so, encourage them to participate in Heritage Makers Young Authors’ Contest this summer and see what life looks like from their perspective!

Contest details
Here’s how the Young Authors’ Contest works:

1. Stories are to be authored in our 6x8.75 spiral-bound Cookbook/Planner.
2. Stories must focus on the theme “All About Me.”
3. Participants between the ages of 8-17 are eligible.
4. Entries, along with a completed copy of the Young Authors’ Contest application, must be submitted between June 2, 2009, and August 31, 2009. See terms and conditions here.
5. No purchase necessary.

Winners will be announced September 15, 2009. Winners will be judged both on the quality of their story and the design of their storybook.

Contestants will be judged in these age groups: 8-10 years, 11-13 years, and 14-17 years.

The following prizes will be awarded in each age group:

* 1st place: 12x12 storybook
* 2nd place: 8x8 storybook
* 3rd place: 7x5 storybook
* Honorable mention: 12x18 poster

All Young Authors’ Contest winners will also receive a copy of their entry project.

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