Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Come aboard!

You all know I love being an Heritage Makers Personal Publishing Consultant, and I am always available to help others that desire to start helping people tell their stories while at the same time bringing an income in their home.
This month there is the opportunity to come aboard the Heritage Makers train, and be entered in a wonderful giveaway:
-Free publishing credits 

-Free business supplies

-HM Mall merchandise    

- A Canon digital camera

-A new LAPTOP or new
      Apple IPAD

If you have been thinking about becoming an Heritage Makers publishing Consultant but were still undecided, now is the moment to jump on the train!
You get an entry for just signing up as a consultant, and more entries for each person that you will be able to sponsor during the month of February!
Contact me before the end of the month, and I will be happy to give you all the details!

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