We all know what greeting cards are for, but when you are completely free to design them and to use all the pictures, word, embellishment you feel to use, you start to come up with various ideas, like:
A cute calendar card
You can insert it in one of those double 5x7 acrylic frames and it will be perfect on your desk!
A Timeless birthday calendar card
A favorite or secret recipes card
Perfect to share that special recipe with your dear ones.
A desktop frame card
Perfect to use with one of those acrylic frames you can find in any craft store.
A menu card
Perfect for a wedding, but also for any special occasion. You can make it as simple or as scrappy as you like.
A newsletter card
Your loved ones want to hear from you, and not all of them have emails, or facebook, so you can send a brief newsletter to let them know about your life. You can do it once a year( i.e: Christmas) once a month or any time you feel like it, and you'll see a new habit among all your relative: Greeting card collections (mostly yours!).
A genealogy tree card
A cute simple way to have your 4 generations family tree at a glance.
Even the little ones will enjoy looking at it...
You might want to make more than one copy, as this will be looked at often.
If you want to try any of these ideas and create a greeting card yourself, you are in luck! You can get a free greeting card coupon this month!!! Discover how here!
Stay tuned for more ideas, and don't forget that until September 16 you can take advantage the best deal of the year on HM greeting cards! Check it out!
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