Friday, September 11, 2009


Where were you that day?
9/11/ signed the life not just of the people that were directly impacted by the loss of their dear ones or were were simply "bothered" by some flight delay, it touched each and everyone of us.
I was still living in Italy that year, but I was shocked at the news even because a long lost cousin that I had finally found after long research, was living in New York, and I feared that he might have been at the Twin Towers that day.
Thankfully he and his family members were all safe, but I was still heartbroken at the thought of all those people that died and all the ones that were left to mourn their loss.I found the preview of this Storybook about 9/11 created with HM and I thought I would share. It is a beautiful way to help us remember. Click on the image above if you desire to read it.

Life is full of many unforgettable events, either good of bad, it is important that they are remembered, not just by us, but by those who will come after us. 9/11 is not the only event that has signed our life, each of them teaches us something, and it is our duty to pass onto our children the lessons that we learn.

I encourage you to take the time today to write even a few lines to share your thoughts with your loved ones, to send a card to a distant relative, to make that call to that friend of yours that moved long time ago.

If you don't do it already, start journaling, write about your feelings, your ideas, your thoughts, the events that have changed you, the lessons you have learned, every possible counsel you would like your family, your children, your friends to have.

Life is indeed short, and we don't know when our time on earth will come to an end. Most of the times, there is no evident warning.

Remember, and be remembered.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for encouraging everyone to write down their memories of 9-11!


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