Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hurray for Story Maps!

Ok, so you are so excited and want to start writing a book about your mom, your grandpa, your child or even yourself, but all of a sudden you stop because you don't know where to start and what you should put in the book!
All I have to say is: Thank goodness for Story maps! All you have to do is get up and go interview the person you want to write about using the simple questions and storyline that you will find in each specific story map.
If your loved one is too far away, grab the phone, and call them, with the added bonus of making that person's day because you thought of him/her.
 Our story maps help you plan your storybook from cover to cover. Use our maps as a template and have your "hero" answer the questions provided or create your own questions. You'll find interview questions, photo suggestions, and even writing tips!

Life event stories
Life Story

Love stories
Love Story

Baby stories

Baby Story


Family Values

Aren't they awesome? What a great tool to help you in your storybooking endeavors!  
And don't forget that you can always find great ideas on my blog, and I am here to help you preserve your heritage, every step of the way!

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